Creating Your Emergency Home Kit

The Importance of Being Prepared

Disasters like hurricanes, tornadoes, floods and earthquakes can strike with little or no warning. To ensure that you and your family are prepared, there’s no time like the present to create emergency home kits: one for use if you need to evacuate your home and one for use if you get trapped in your home for several days.

Place the following items in an area of your home to be ready for an emergency that prevents you from leaving your home:

  • First aid kit
  • Canned food for at least three days and can opener
  • Toilet paper and extra personal hygiene items
  • Books, games and other forms of entertainment
  • Flashlight and extra batteries
  • Battery-operated radio and television
  • Pet foods and supplies for three days, if applicable

According to Newswire, Only one in ten Canadians have taken steps to reduce the risk of their home being affected by a weather-related emergency or natural disaster.

To help you evacuate quickly, keep the following items in an emergency backpack so you can grab it and go:

  • First-aid kit
  • Two litres of water per family member and non-perishable foods
  • Can opener, plastic cups and eating utensils
  • Flashlight and extra batteries
  • Battery-operated radio
  • Change of clothing and personal
  • identification cards for each family member
  • Personal hygiene items and hand sanitizer
  • Medications that are needed regularly

Safety First

By having these kits in place, you and your family can focus on remaining safe during a disaster and keeping each other calm. Consider preparing these kits together as a family so that kids understand the importance of being prepared.

To ensure you are getting the most out of your policy, contact an expert at Jones Insurance today at 807-343-9444.

Young woman taking some medicines from the first aid kit, feeling unwell while sitting on the couch at home
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Our Location

521 Memorial Ave

Thunder Bay, ON P7B 3Y6



[email protected]

Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday: 9am – 5pm

Weekends: Closed


Need to make an after hours claim? Visit our emergency claims page.