What's New
Jones and Associates Insurance Inc. are delighted to support the Exceptional Cancer Care Campaign, knowing that they will be a part of the team that will allow our community to have access to the latest equipment to diagnose, treat and research cancer.
Come check out this great curling event happening all weekend long at the Kakabeka Curling Club.
Come cheer on the Jones & Associates Jolly Jinglers, as they compete in the 4th  Annual Great Gingerbread House Build at the Valhalla Inn on Saturday, November 8th! Let the countdown commence! Over the next few weeks, our office will be accepting donations to sponsor our team. All proceeds raised are in support of Habitat for Humanity; … Read more
J&A Staff were excited to participate in this year’s GenNEXT Dodgeball Tournament in support of our local United Way; Jeff, Samantha, Darren, Katie & Miranda are pictured, along with fellow team mates.
We are pleased to announce that we have the opportunity to EXTEND our Shelter Box Canada Fundraising Campaign until December 16, 2013!! We are so proud to announce, to date with your support, Jones & Associates Insurance has raised $1000. This is the final stretch….if YOU would like to donate to this great cause, you … Read more